World Children's Day 2024 - A contribution to the creativity of the future!

Melchior supports the creative development of students at Grund- und Werkrealschule Niederwangen with a donation of 100 meters of fabric for World Children's Day
For this year’s World Children's Day, Melchior came up with something special: we donated 100 meters of fabric in various colors to the Niederwangen School. These fabrics will be put to good use in both the visual arts and home economics (AES) departments.
Whether as a backdrop for a movie project, in the creation of school flags, or for creative patchwork designs – the students now have the opportunity to freely develop their ideas and bring their projects to life with high-quality materials.
“It may be just a small contribution, but we see it as an investment in the future and in fostering the artistic creativity of our children,” said our Sales Manager Natasja Harbers, who, together with her colleague Ms. Di Tanto (Inside Sales) and the school's Principal Ms. Euperle, Ms. Eyth (Home Economics/AES), and Ms. Kappler (Visual Arts), ceremoniously presented the donation.
We are excited to support these young talents on their creative journey and look forward to seeing the wide variety of artwork that will emerge.
Photo: From left: Principal Ms. Euperle, Ms. Eyth (Home Economics/AES), Ms. Kappler (Visual Arts), along with our colleagues Ms. Di Tanto (Inside Sales) and Natasja Harbers (Sales Manager).
#Melchior #WorldChildrensDay #SchuleNiederwangen #ShapingTheFuture
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